Make an investment that will pay off for years to come. Start by measuring your space.

Measure the amount of flooring you need, with extra included, using our useful tricks.
Tape measure
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Measure the width and depth of your rooms.
List the rooms you will be adding new flooring
Measure the farthest wall distance; round up to the nearest foot
Measure the wall distance of the other two walls; round up to the nearest foot
Multiply the two numbers; this will be the rough estimate
Example: Width 20 ft; Depth 10 ft; 20 x 10 = 200 sq ft

Step 2 Subtract the floor space of un-movable objects -- i.e. Kitchen Islands
Find the square footage of the object (width x depth)
Take the total area and subtract the items square footage
Example: Total 200 sq ft - Island is 20 sq ft = 180 sq ft
Step 3
Add the total areas of the rooms you measured
Example: Room 1 180 sq ft + Room 2 110 sq ft + Room 3 110 sq ft = 400 sq ft
Step 4
Factor in 10 percent waste
This will ensure you have enough especially because cuts are specific to space
Example: 400 sq ft x .10 = 40 + 400 = 440 sq ft needed